A flexible employment

Internationale Zeitarbeit

Since 1992, we have been professionally involved in managing external specialist contracts for major clients. In the beginning, the focus was solely on freelancers: the specialist remains self-employed and we handle the administrative concerns. Today, this model is still the right type of contract in many cases.

Starting in 2005, it became clear that under certain circumstances a contractual arrangement in which we employ the external specialist - allowing the client to remain flexible - is the better choice.

This led us to develop our own fully licensed instrument: International Temping. Our contract solution is based on aspects of the classic temporary employment model, but is designed to serve a different objective and target group (see table).

International Temping can be applied to both new employees as well as existing personnel - who for budgetary reasons or contractual limitations can no longer be directly employed by the client.

Classic Temping Ergonos International Temping
Target group
Employees with low or medium qualifications Technical specialists with many years of professional experience
  • Satisfying peaks in demand
  • Covering personnel shortages due to vacation or sickness
  • Partially achieving cost benefits
  • Flexibly integrating specialist know-how into the project team
  • Retaining experienced project staff
  • Applicable for new as well as existing staff
Flexibility for clients
Client remains flexible Client remains flexible
Regional International
Integration into company
Employee is part of the company hierarchy  (primarily subject to directives) Specialist is part of the company hierarchy  (primarily issuing directives)
Taxes and duties
Temp agency pays taxes and social security contributions Ergonos pays taxes and social security contributions

Would you like to know more about International Temping? With our contract consulting services, we can advise you whether this contract type fits your project's needs.